I will have knitting content by the 31st... oh wait that's tomorrow. I better get knitting, I have a pair of socks to finish! but first picture updates...
Day 25(jan 25)I painted Leah's toe nails with her very own "po nail poish" and she made me do mine just like hers... She loves purple!
Day 26 (Jan26)I spent the day at my LYS, where I work. Unfortunately for the owner the weather was horrible and I only had 2 people come in all day. Fortunately for me, after I organized some yarn and did some other busy work I got to sit and knit. If you look closely I was sitting in the rocking chair next to the fire(to the left) Behind me is the LYSs lending library and to the right is a wall of knitting needles. I really like how you can see so much detail in this tea pot.
Here are my sock in progress, since this picture I've knit the heel's and I'm on the way to finishing them... more on that tomorrow! My fingers are crossed!
Day 27 (Jan 27)After a long hard day without a nap, this is Gabe at 7pm.... It was nice, we came home from grandma and grandpa's and all 3 kids zonked out in the 7 minute drive home. They didn't even wake up when we put their pj's on :O)
Day 28 (Jan 28th)I got to hold this all day long, a sick and sad little baby. Poor thing. But it was nice having her cuddle all day long, usually she is too busy and is always on the go~
Day 29 (Jan 29)Minestrone soup. I started out with some red and yellow onions, celery and garlic. Then went in the carrots. Next was the potatoes, then the green beans, zucchini and yellow squash. At the end I topped it with some kale and let that steam for a bit.... don't forget the salt and pepper, stir it up and.... voila dinner in a bowl!
Day 30(Jan 30)Thanks goodness Chloe is starting to feel better! I was getting scared yesterday when her temp wasn't going down, even after Tylenol.... So I got some ibuprofen and she actually slept through the night! Woo Hoo! Here she is having a good time playing. Hopefully by tomorrow at 11:59 I'll have finished my dads socks... I always seem to procrastinate with my socks but so far I've been able to finish a pair a month, I hope I can keep it going! If so I'll be back and posting soon:O)
January 13, 2005 I started a blog... I can't believe its been 3 years. I almost missed it...( its getting to be my bedtime, I have to be to work at 4am)
So just a quick post to say thanks to all of you who read my little blog, a little piece of me. A place where I can say anything I'd like, about me, my family and of course my fiber addictions, knitting and spinning. I love having a blog even though I'm not the most frequent of posters, i love it anyways! I also love all of you, all the friends I've made here in blogland:o) What an awesome community it is, I'm so thankful to be a part of it!
On the knitting front I've cast on for my dads Christmas socks... 2 socks on 2 circulars, magic cast on! love it! I figure this way I'll be done with them at the same time and I won't be able to procrastinate any longer;o) I did have to wind the ball(Lana Grossa colortweed) into two equal balls... which I weighed on my digital scale to make them the same, I was also able to make them start at the same color, so they can hopefully be identical twins!
These are also on my top 10 stash project list... #5, and I'm hoping to finish them by the end of January to have them count for the SAM KAL5!...
have a wonderful beginning of the week!
I can't believe it, i finished up 2 projects on the first of the year. I can just tell that its going to be good year for knitting! *grin*
First up, My little brother Trevor's hat. He requested a hat with brim (from a baseball hat). I couldn't find a pattern for what I wanted so I made it up. I'm quite proud of the finished product, and was considering sending it in to knitty, but hadn't read the submission guidelines until it was too late. I wasn't allowed to post any pictures here or on Ravelry...
Bummer! Oh well maybe I'll write up the pattern and post it here.
Project Stats
Start Date: December 28thEnd Date: January 1st
Yarn: Jeager aran merino (held double,less than 3 balls)
Pattern: My own design (Brimmed Beanie)
Needles: Addi Turbo US #6 (2 circulars)
Recipient: Trevor

Project Stats
Start Date: December ?
End Date: January 1st
Yarn: My handspun, kool aid dyedPattern: Calorimetry
Needles: Addi Turbo US#1
Recipient: ME!
It fits very well and I really like it, except for the holes that were formed by the short row shaping. I did use smaller needles and yarn than called for, so maybe that wouldn't be so obvious with a thicker yarn. Either way I still like it and I'm going to knit mittens to match! I love being able to wear my handspun!
*Note my new coat! I've been wanting to get a new one for a few years now and found this one for 50% off!!! It is down and super warm! Love it!
I started the Ravelry group project 365ers yesterday. I'm going to be taking a picture a day for a year. So bear with me this year as it is going to be filled with pictures(not like it isn't already)!
So yesterday was Day 1. I'm starting the new year out with a yummy cup-o-coffee, in a new mug I was gifted from a friend! Love it so much!!!
Today would be Day 2. We went to the library and I really liked this shot of Chloe. Its never to early to start them with the love of books! She is getting so big, in a month she will be 1, I can't believe it. She has taken a few steps every day, she is up to 4 or 5 in a row. My little baby isn't so tiny anymore.