I feel like i lost a good friend... my blog.
I use to blog somewhat regularly, like on a weekly basis, if not bi-weekly. Now its what~ a monthly thing... and just to post about my socks of the month?! Not good. I don't like it, i miss it. I will be blogging regularly again. And I'm starting now! (also i found out that i have far away readers, "Hi Jane, Hi Brenda")

This past weekend i went to
LLBC for a Crafters Retreat. What fun! I love going there, such a wonderful place. Once you see the sign and start up the hill going into the cabin area a deep sigh comes over you. Its time to relax. Time to re-connect with good friends. Meet new ones. Time to connect with God without little people budding in every 5 minutes asking for something....
Here are just a few pics from our crafting room....
Jane! knitting her grand kids some "cousin socks" all the same colors, but mixed up depending on the kid, really cute!

Paulette! (and her knitting area, right next to me,

comfy on the couch!)

in the Forest center: (our crafting area


And the purpose of this retreat was to craft... in my case to spin and knit! This was my view most of the time. and this was my "spot" with all my knitting and spinning goodness thrown about!

Well i didn't finish everything i brought up there but i did accomplish a good amount. I spun two bobbins of merino roving that i intend to make hat and mittens for the girls. I didn't finish spinning all of the roving but i think i did enough to make the hats. (two yummy skeins) I love pink so it was a joy to sit and spin it. Also i just love how soft merino wool is. MMmmmm! I do need to work on making it more even, but all in all i think it turned out well!

I also knit on my
hot lava cardigan. I finished it up last night after the kids were in bed! I finally found a home for my handspun... It was knit quite a number of times. a hat, a shrug, a different sweater(mr greenjeans) and it didn't work out in all of those so 0n Wednesday i riped it all out and started on
hot lava (ravelry link).

There wasn't enough yarn to fully complete the sweater, but the cool thing is that it looks ok with how much i did have. I would have liked to make the whole thing like the pattern but i'm ok with how it is. Actually i really like it! I'm such a warm body that if it was any bigger i might not be able to wear it. I just get so hot so easily. Its merino.... aka super warm! anywho...
project specks:
Start Date: Oct 23rd
End Date: Oct 26th
Needles: US# 11s
Hot LavaYarn: My handspun
Recipient: me!

I did not however work on my socks.... but i have 4 more days to finish them... i think i can! See my progress?! This is the
diamond wrap socks, written by none other than my sister
Allena aka starknits!
I love it such a beautiful pattern! I am past the heels so all i have to do is finish the legs.
Well i plan on writing up a post on how i cleaned my raw fleece.... so i'll save that for another day. Come back soon..... I'll be here!