My new spot!
I've been quite busy out at the shop the past week or so. I was out there every other day or so last week! I had the slipper sock class on Friday and Saturday. It went really well. I only had to teach two ladies, but I almost like it better that way, more one on one time. I knit up a pair with them and did a child size 9 in a dusty rose color. Gabe was nice enough to model them for me. He don't care about color yet:) Then on Tuesday I started my purse class. It was so much fun. The ladies in this class are a blast, they even brought a bottle of wine! The class is a total of three Tuesdays. I made them all some beaded stitch markers (and forgot to take a picture of them) they all loved them. What fun ladies, I sure could do that for a living... One can wish...Ok now on to the good stuff, the thing that I've been pumped about for the last week!~
We finally took our tree down, and man does it look spacious in out living room! There was a little re-arranging going on too. I was so
excited. Alright let me explain. We moved our big chair into the corner and there was room on the sides of it for my spinning wheel to kept there permanently! I normally would use it and then haul it back into the office out of sight from the kidos. Now its tucked in behind the chair and easily accessible!(for someone
who don't have a huge tummy poking out) I thought you'd all like to see my prego belly from my point of view. He he, I just threw that in for fun! I also moved my spinning spot from the sofa to the big chair, both are comfy but now I have my own spot! Hubby didn't really like it when I would use the sofa because I'd take up lots of room around it with all my stuff. So we are all happy campers now! It makes me so happy to know that my wheel has
its very own spot.
I finished the big bag of roving I was spinning. I weighed it all and it came out to 32.125 oz. I can't believe I spun it all. I didn't think I'd ever finish it, but I did. So I got another big bag (from Brigitte) to spin. This roving is black, and I can't wait to get started! Tonight is knitting at the shop so I'll be out there yet again, what a good feeling!
wow i love your new spot!
are you spinning for her to sell or just for her to use? i'm so jealous that you have a LYS!
Its actually not even hers. A woman has Brigitte spin her llama roving and pays her for it. Brigitte has enough of her own to spin, so she asked me to spin it for this other woman.
What a great way to spend all your time spinning in your new favourite corner. You could sit there all day and watch the children at the same time. The wool looks so nice when it is spun. Knitting classes sound like great fun too.
I'm so amazed at all you spun!! It looks soo good.
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